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Meeting Agendas & Updates

Board meeting and work session agendas are available through BoardDocs. Agendas are posted to the CCPS website and BoardDocs a week prior to all Board meetings. 

Charles County Public Schools streams Board meetings live on and posts recordings on the CCPS YouTube channel.

Board of Education meetings are held at the CCPS Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building located at 5980 Radio Station Road in La Plata. Board meetings are open to the public with the exception of executive sessions. Regular meetings are held the second Tuesday of most months during the school and begin at 1 p.m. Recognition of employees, students and resolutions begins at 4:30. Public forum generally begins at 6 p.m.

The Board also holds work sessions, as needed, the fourth Monday of most months at 4:30 p.m. beginning with Public forum at 6 p.m. Work sessions and business meetings are open to the public.

Executive sessions may be called at any time pursuant to provisions contained within the Annotated Code of Maryland. These sessions are held in private and cover issues such as personnel, land acquisition and legal matters. Board of Education meetings are held in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Act. 

Maryland Open Meetings Act