Dual Language, Two-way Immersion Program
What is Dual Language Two-Way Immersion?
It is an educational program that delivers grade-level content instruction in two languages, English and Spanish. The program begins in early childhood and lasts for a minimum of six years. The goal of a dual language immersion program is for students to be bilingual and biliterate rather than just fluent in English.
What are the benefits of Dual Language Two-Way Immersion for English Learners?
The U.S. Department of Education Office of English Language Acquisition identified several areas of learning in which multilingualism benefits students. This includes improved learning in various subjects, comparable or higher achievement of students in dual language programs as compared to their peers, increased levels of creativity, and promotes higher levels of abstract thought and reasoning.
Why did CCPS create this program?
The launch of the program is part of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future legislation’s focal area to accelerate the achievement of English learners.
Additionally, Priority 2 of the CCPS Strategic Plan focuses on the expansion of access and opportunities for all students to better prepare them for post-graduation.
The program started in August 2024 at Arthur Middleton Elementary School
Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) launched its first dual language, two-way immersion program at the start of the 2024-2025 school year.
The first two grade levels to participate include both prekindergarten and kindergarten students. These students will receive instruction in two languages – English and Spanish – throughout their elementary school years.
After the launch of the program, the next grade level will be added each school year. The program will fully be implemented at Middleton at the start of the 2029-2030 school year. With the start of the 2029-2030 school year, all students who attend Middleton will participate in the program.