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Ready to Read Act

Passed in 2019, the Ready to Read Act requires Maryland county school districts to screen students for reading difficulties. The Act mandates yearly screening for many reading difficulties but purposely for early identification of students with dyslexia.

Universal Screener

Charles County Public Schools uses Acadience Reading as the universal screener. Acadience Reading is a universal screening and progress monitoring assessment that measures the acquisition of early literacy skills. Acadience Reading is comprised of brief measures that function as indicators of the essential skills that every child must master to become a proficient reader. These measures are used to regularly monitor the development of early literacy skills in order to provide timely instructional support and prevent the occurrence of later reading difficulties.

All kindergarten students are screened at the beginning of the school year as well as new first and second grade students. Additionally, any student who was below benchmark when screened the previous year continues to be progress monitored. Students whose assessment scores are below benchmark are progress monitored throughout the year.

What Will Be Assessed?

Learn about the CCPS elementary reading curriculum, Into Reading, and find out how you can access the curriculum Parent Center

Following the Science: Helping Young Readers at Home

Into Reading Parent Letter

Reading Interventions Programs for Elementary School Students

Students who are below benchmark on the universal screener receive supplemental instruction. Below are examples of interventions used with elementary school students.

Heggerty Phonemic Awareness



Sound Partners

Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI)

Resources By Grade Level