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Family and Consumer Sciences

 Students in Family and Consumer Sciences will discover the economic, technological, cultural, and social conditions influencing individuals when considering the multiple roles that may be assumed as they relate to family, work, careers, and society.

These courses have been developed around five areas of study. They include fashion, housing and interior design, consumerism, interpersonal relationships, and nutrition. Courses have been developed to allow students to pursue a wide variety of personal interests. The content for all courses will address current trends and emerging technologies.

120654                                      1 credit             Grades 9, 10, 11, 12                 Code: FA

This course is designed to explore the topics, trends, and concerns of housing, architecture, and interior design. The student is expected to apply the elements and principles of design, financial considerations, community planning, and environmental issues to the program topics. They will design and present projects that reflect their understanding of these concepts. The course will also provide information about a wide range of careers related to housing, design, and home furnishings.

131114                                      1 credit             Grades 10, 11                           Code: CTP

Prerequisite: Completed or concurrently enrolled in Foods and Nutrition Science

This course provides an introduction to the food service and hospitality industry. Students develop and demonstrate skills in safe and sanitary food handling and preparation techniques. Students learn to prepare a variety of foods. They develop a broad understanding of the variety of career options available in the food service and hospitality industry, and have the opportunity to earn the ServeSafe credential. Students can begin to accrue hours to meet the 400-hour work-based learning experience requirement. Of the 400 hours, 150 hours can be earned through in-class clinical experience. All students enrolled in the course must take the NRAEF end-of-course exam.

131124                                      1 credit             Grades 11, 12                           Code: CTP

Prerequisite: Becoming a Food Service Professional (Level 1)

Students enrolled in this course will continue to prepare a variety of foods. They will create menus and demonstrate various types of restaurant service. They will apply purchasing techniques and demonstrate an understanding of inventory monitoring and control. Students will have the opportunity for an authentic, mentored work-based learning experience. Students can continue to accrue hours to meet the 400-hour work-based learning experience requirement. Of the 400 hours, 150 hours can be earned through in-class clinical experience. All students enrolled in the course must take the NRAEF end-of-course exam.

120684                                      1 credit             Grades 10, 11, 12                     Code: FA

Prerequisite: Textiles and Apparel or teacher approval

This course will introduce students to the principle of flat pattern design and draping. The course is recommended for the student interested in fashion production as it relates to self and/or career. Students will investigate the elements and principles of design, textiles, and related careers. Current trends in fashion will also be explored. All projects are the financial responsibility of the student.

120694                                      1 credit             Grades 9, 10, 11, 12                

This course is designed for students having a special interest in fashion merchandising and retailing. It addresses specific job preparation skills for the fashion industry. It will explore careers in textiles, design, merchandising, media and promotion, fashion illustration, manufacturing, retailing, as well as an exploration of emerging retail technologies. Students are expected to design and present projects that reflect their understanding of these concepts.

120514                                      1 credit             Grades 9, 10, 11, 12                

This course prepares students with skills in nutritious meal planning and preparation. Students explore current concepts of nutrition and the application to healthy lifestyle patterns. Topics include the relationship of nutrients to optimal health, weight management, exercise, nutritional labeling, and scientific principles of food production, preparation, and consumption.

120644                                      1 credit             Grades 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: Foods and Nutrition Science

This is an advanced course designed to introduce students to the multi-cultural aspects of people through the study of regional and foreign foods. Units of study include world nutritional concerns, socio-cultural influences on food choices, meal planning, and preparation. Gourmet food preparation will also be explored.

20624                                      1 credit             Grades 9, 10, 11, 12                            

This is an introductory textile course designed to strengthen the individual’s knowledge of clothing construction skills. It provides a comprehensive study of the many facets of fashion and wardrobe planning. Students are required to construct clothing projects that are the financial responsibility of the student.

131125                                      2 credits           Grade 12                                  Code: CTC

Prerequisite:  Becoming a Food Service Professional (Level 1) and concurrently enrolled in Becoming a Food Service Professional (Level 2)

This course provides students the opportunity to further refine and apply skills that support all aspects of the hospitality industry. It will assist in preparing students for employment and advancement in the field of hospitality and food and beverage management. Students will complete an industry-mentored work-based learning experience. The remaining 250 hours of the 400 hours is completed through this course. Students are expected to attain work experience in the food and hospitality industry.