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Strategic Plan Data Dashboard

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Strategic Plan

Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) has a strategic plan in place that guides the work of the school system. Developed by Superintendent of Schools Maria Navarro, Ed.D., in collaboration with other school system leaders, the strategic plan outlines the guiding work in place to enhance learning experiences for all students.

The plan includes three priority areas: student learning and achievement; access and opportunities; and culture and climate. Each priority area includes goals and strategies with measurement metrics identified to evaluate progress. Outlined below are the priority areas, associated goals and strategies, and metric data associated with each area.

Strategic Plan PowerPoint Presentation PDF

First page of the PDF file: SLT-CCPS-Strategic-Plan-070323

Strategic Plan Priorities

Priority 1

 Student Learning and Achievement

Our focus is on the learning, improvement and achievement of every student. 

Goal 1:  Every student at every school/center has access to grade level, rigorous curriculum that challenges and prepares them for life after graduation.

  • Strategy – Strengthen the investment in staff by implementing a Professional Learning model which:
    • Provides staff the opportunity to unpack the curriculum, understand it fully and collaborate with peers to ensure standards-based teaching occurs in every classroom.
    • Is continuous, job embedded, differentiated and responsive for different types of learners.
    • Directly impacts student achievement through a targeted focus on recruitment, development and retention of staff.

Goal 2:  Every student at every school and center has access to and receives impactful academic programs and intervention support if they are above or below grade-level expectations.

  • Strategy – Invest in evidence-based programs along with data systems that empower staff to make decisions regarding lesson planning, student learning experiences, student progress and access to a variety of academic options for students to learn, grow and succeed.


For the 2023-2024 school year, CCPS measured professional learning participation through a review of the percentage of school member teams consisting of administrators, teachers, and counselors that participated in systemwide Professional Learning Team (PLT) trainings. The drop-down menus below show data for student performance and professional learning.

Priority 2

 Access and Opportunities

Our focus is on the learning, improvement and achievement of every student.  No measure of progress can be made
if we don’t address the barriers that impact students’ learning and achievement.


Goal 1:  Access to quality early learning programs starting with all day prekindergarten for all eligible 4-year-olds.

  • Strategy – Expand half day pre-k to full day, continue an inclusive model approach, ensure professional learning is focused on foundational content standards and collaborate with our community pre-k programs.
  • All students will earn Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA) scores at approaching or demonstrating in all four domains of KRA.

Goal 2:  Establishing strategic programs and expanding course offerings that increase student access and opportunities to be well prepared post graduation.

  • Strategy – Offer programs that level the playing field for students by:
    • Implementing a two-way immersion language program that starts at the elementary level.
    • Increasing high school pathway courses in middle school.
    • Expanding dual enrollment and AP classes as options for offering early college credits.
    • Increasing CTE certifications and pathways in wage competitive fields.
  • Strategy – Revise criteria for program entry and embed flexibility in scheduling practices at the high-school level by including options for evening and summer opportunities for original course credit toward graduation.


For the 2023-2024 school year, CCPS measured the expansion of the prekindergarten program, the availability of high school courses for students in middle school and monitored enrollment of students in Advanced Placement (AP), dual enrollment and early college programs, and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. The drop-down menus below show data for each of these categories.            

 Priority 3

 Culture and Climate

The culture and climate of the school system should reflect our values. We value students, staff and our community feeling a sense of belonging in our schools while being safe and engaged in supporting student learning and achievement.

Goal 1:  Ensuring that all kids feel welcome, engaged and safe in their school environment.

  • Strategy – Every school/center will develop a climate strategy as part of their continuous improvement plan.
  • Strategy – Expand options for extracurricular activities and implement options that give all students access to those engagement opportunities.