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Fine & Performing Arts

The fine and performing arts provide an essential path for students to learn about themselves and the world through creative and cultural expression. The arts are intrinsically valuable and provide a well-rounded education that supports the development of the whole child through positive school culture, social-emotional wellbeing, diverse cultural understandings, and divergent ways of thinking.

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Timothy Bodamer
Content Specialist
Fine and Performing Arts

Andrew Blumhardt
Instructional Specialist
Fine and Performing Arts

Heather Albury
Fine and Performing Arts

Artistic Processes and Framework

National Coalition for Core Arts Standard

The National Coalition for Core Arts Standards(NCCAS) has set forth standards and artistic processes within a framework of creating, performing, responding, and connecting. Charles County Public Schools curriculum for Fine and Performing Arts courses develops student’s abilities through the following artistic processes:

  • Creating includes conceiving and developing new artistic ideas and work.
  • Performing means realizing artistic ideas through interpretation and presentation.
  • Responding is defined as understanding and evaluating how the arts convey meaning.
  • Connecting means relating artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context.

National Core Arts Standards © 2015 National Coalition for Core Arts Standards. Rights administered by State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE). All rights reserved.

national arts standards