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Join the Band, Chorus or Strings in 5th Grade!

The classes are all a yearlong commitment. The choices are:

  • Band - flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, percussion
  • Strings - violin, viola, cello
  • Chorus – singing in typical choral ensembles
  • General Music – a non-performing music class (not offered at every school)

These courses have the following additional requirements:

  • Band and Strings
    • Instrument rental or purchase through a local music business
      •  Financial assistance may be available upon request. Please contact your child’s music teacher if you have any questions about financial assistance.
    • Book purchase, regular at-home practice, and evening concert performances
  •  Chorus
    •  Consistent in-class participation and evening concert performances


Parents of 4th grade students will receive information about how to sign up for band, choir, or strings in the spring prior to their child’s 5th grade year. Instrument assignments are on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t wait long to make your choice! Please contact your child’s music teacher if you have any questions. Your child can choose from the following music classes in 5th grade:

Before making a decision, we highly recommend you check out our YouTube channel with your child. Videos are organized into playlists for band, chorus, and strings.

CCPS Fine Arts YouTube Channel

What music elective your child chooses to study in 5th grade can impact their education and opportunities they have all the way through 12th grade! Students who study music in 5th-12th grade have opportunities that may include competing in district and state festivals, solo and ensemble solo competitions, class trips, jazz band, a cappella, and marching band.

Click here to register for your 5th grade music elective

Hagaclic aquí para registrarse en su electiva de música de 5to grado

Band, Chorus and Strings students