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Parents and Families

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Family Resource Center

Parent and families play an important role in their child's education as well as prepare them for academic achievement and lifelong learning.  Schools, families, and the community must be actively involved in developing strong programs and policies that support the academic success of every student.  On this page, you will find various resources to help you with your child's education and beyond!

Title I Programs to Support Families

  • Barbershop Books: Child-friendly bookshelves in local barbershops to encourage students to read while outside of school.
  • DADvisory Council: Increasing the engagement of fathers and father-figures in our schools. 
  • Summer Backpack Program: Title I students will receive a backpack filled with materials to keep them learning during the summer.
  • Mentoring Programs for students in grades 3-8.
  • Interpretation services and document translation.


First page of the PDF file: DistrictLevelFamilyEngagementPlan24-25


First page of the PDF file: Spanish-DistrictLevelFamilyEngagementPlan24-25

Feedback Form

Title I Family Engagement Plan Engagement Form

Babershop Books

Bilingual Barbershop Flyer

DADvisory Council Resources

DADvisory Interest Form

DADvisory Council Presentation

Parent Institute Daily Web Content