Title I Early Childhood Program
What is the Title I Early Childhood Program?
The program encompasses three components to support families of 3- and 4-year-old students.
The Thriving Threes & Me Learning Groups promote school readiness by providing weekly learning groups and materials to families living in Title I school zones. Registration for the SY 2024-2025 program opens in October 2024 and will begin in November 2024. Children must be three years old by September 1, 2024 to participate. Proof of age and residency are required. The Title I Thriving Threes program is separate from the CCPS PreK-3 program and does not operate as a traditional full day of school.
The second component of the Title I Early Childhood Program is training in the area of early childhood that supports families and daycare programs in developing children's early learning skills. Training is offered to families attending the Thriving Threes & Me Learning Groups, cooperating childcare providers and their families, and families of PreK and Kindergarten students enrolled in Title I Schools.
Finally, eligible childcare providers interested in accreditation will receive the required Core of Knowledge training needed to progress through the Maryland EXCELS program. Additionally, the Title I Early Childhood Community Liaison will provide site visits, materials, and support to providers working toward accreditation. To be eligible, childcare providers must serve children living in Title I school zones.