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Immigration Supports

Student records, immigration enforcement actions at schools

A focal priority of Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) is that all students, no matter their background, are supported and provided access to a high-quality education in safe learning environments. While CCPS must abide by federal and state laws, it is not the role of the school system to inquire about a person's or student’s immigration status.

CCPS has guidance in place for school administrators and staff to follow as it relates to addressing immigration matters in schools. CCPS leadership will review this guidance regularly with staff to ensure it is clear and consistently followed. If law enforcement officials visit any CCPS school, building or facility, administrators are to strictly follow the guidance. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), CCPS is prohibited from providing information about a student's record without parental consent unless law enforcement has a court order or subpoena.

CCPS is monitoring federal, state and local developments and will continue to focus on student safety to ensure all students have access to a learning environment in which they are safe and supported.

What should families do?

Parents/guardians should update the emergency contacts listed on file for their child at school.

  • These updates may be done in person or through the email listed on file with CCPS. School principals can confirm with parents/guardians which staff member an email should be sent to.
  • CCPS can only release a student to a person identified as an emergency contact with permission to pick up the child, as noted in the CCPS student information system, Synergy.

For long-term planning, parents/guardians can identify a “standby guardian” to care for their child in case of an emergency.

Click the image below to download and print the Student and Family Immigration Supports flyer


First page of the PDF file: CCPSImmigrationSupportsEnglish


Spanish2 (PDF)

Below are important reminders related to the rights of students and student information.

  • All children have a right to a free public education, regardless of the immigration status of the student or their parent/guardian.
  • Parents/guardians should update the emergency contacts listed on file for their child at school.
    • These updates may be done in person or through the email listed on file with CCPS. School principals can confirm with parents/guardians which staff member an email should be sent to.
    • CCPS can only release a student to a person identified as an emergency contact with permission to pick up the child, as noted in the CCPS student information system, Synergy.
  • Parents/guardians should develop a plan for care and custody of their child for use in emergency situations, as well as possible long-term care.
    • This includes designating a trusted family member or other adult willing to serve as an emergency contact who can pick up their child and care for them in case the parent/guardian becomes unavailable due to arrest, detention, hospitalization or some other reason.
    • Parents/guardians should be sure that their child and the trusted family member or other adult are familiar with the care and custody plan to minimize any additional confusion at the time of pick up.
    • Parents/guardians can also identify a “standby guardian” to care for and make decisions about their child in case of an emergency. If desired, the Maryland Judiciary Form linked here may be completed by a parent/guardian and must then be provided to their child’s school, health care provider(s) and applicable family members.
  • For enrollment, CCPS requires residency information for students to confirm school enrollment zones.
    • Information about citizenship or immigration status is not needed or asked for by CCPS staff.
    • Staff will never ask for Social Security information. CCPS does not collect it.
  • Federal and state laws protect education records and personal information.
    • Prior to the release of any such student information, CCPS requires written parent/guardian consent before releasing information unless it is for educational purposes, otherwise authorized by law, or in response to a court order of subpoena.
  • CCPS has a process for students, parents, staff or others to report bullying, harassment or discrimination. A copy of the form is located in the back of the CCPS Code of Student Conduct posted here. Copies can also be provided at your child’s school.

The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has identified resources for families related to student rights and information.