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Redistricting - Elementary School

Rendering of Elementary School #23
Rendering of Elementary School #23

Board Approves Redistricting Plan.

The Board of Education of Charles County at its June 11 meeting approved the elementary school redistricting plan for Charles County Public Schools (CCPS). The Board approved Alternative B, which was one of two plans recommended by the Redistricting Committee. View Alternative B here. The redistricting will take affect at the start of the 2025-2026 school year. CCPS will communicate the zoning changes to affected families.  

Elementary School Redistricting Background and Process

The Board of Education of Charles County at its March 18 work session approved the name of the next Charles County Public elementary school. The Board approved the name Margaret Jamieson Thornton Elementary School for Elementary School 23. The school is currently under construction and is located off St. Charles Parkway in White Plains at 5860 St. David Drive, within the new Highlands neighborhood development. The 94,000-square foot building is set to open for the 2025-2026 school year with space for 778 students. Cost of the construction project is $45.4 million.

At the March 12, 2024 board meeting, the Charles County Public Schools redistricting committee presented two elementary school rezoning options to the Board and Superintendent Maria Navarro. Public hearings were held on April 2 and May 1 to allow residents to comment on the proposals.

Superintendent of Schools Maria V. Navarro, Ed.D., made her redistricting recommendation to the Board during the May 21 Board meeting. The Superintendent selected Alternative B with modifications. A public hearing on her recommendation was held on May 22.