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Blueprint for Maryland's Future

What is the Blueprint for Maryland's Future?

The Blueprint is a landmark piece of legislation passed in 2021, which includes comprehensive changes to Maryland’s early childhood and public schools.  It was created to enhance Maryland’s schools and prepare each student for life after graduation. The landmark educational plan seeks to make Maryland’s public schools the best in the world by focusing on five policy areas.

The  Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB) was established to oversee funding and make sure districts are meeting the Blueprint’s standards and goals. 

MSDE Blueprint WebpaGE

Five Policy Areas

Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education (AKA Kirwan)

A 26-member commission comprised of lawmakers, educators, union members and parents took part in a multi-year initiative to research and develop major funding and policy reforms to improve the quality of Maryland’s public education system to benefit each of the nearly one million students.

Maryland House Bill 1300

This 235-page bill became law in 2021 after Governor Hogan’s veto and the legislative override contains comprehensive funding and policy reforms in five major policy areas, based on the report from the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education.

Maryland House Bill 1372

A companion bill to Maryland House Bill 1300, this 45-page bill was passed in 2021 to update timelines and include additional provisions to address COVID-19 related issues.

2024 LEA Blueprint Implementation Plan Development Guide (May 1, 2024)

Beginning in March of 2023, each district in Maryland was required to submit a Blueprint Implementation Plan.  The first plan was approved in July of 2023.  In March of 2024, each district was required to submit the Systemwide Blueprint Implementation Plan which required responses to five questions about how the local Blueprint plan was aligned to strategic plan/goals, communicated to stakeholders, challenges in implementation were being addressed, and progress was being monitored.  The Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB) approved the responses submitted by CCPS.  Each district was then required to submit an updated Blueprint plan in May of 2024.  This plan includes the March 2024 submission, as well as updates to the original plan submitted in March of 2023.  CCPS received feedback in June and made revisions to the May 2024 plan.  CCPS is awaiting additional feedback from the AIB.

CCPS Initial Implementation Plan Template (May 1, 2024)

2024 LEA Blueprint Implementation Plan

PSSAM Legislative and Policy Recommendations

First page of the PDF file: CCPSBlueprintImplementationPlanMay2024REVTOAIB07082024

Systemwide Blueprint Implementation Plan (March 2024)

Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) Systemwide Implementation Plan (March, 2024) is reflective of a plan aimed at improving educational outcomes for all students across the district. The Blueprint emphasizes equity, innovation, and accountability in education and CCPS has used it as a road map to align strategic initiatives and goals to it. 

Systemwide Blueprint Implementation Plan (March 2024)

Systemwide Blueprint Implementation Plan March 2024

CCPS Initial Implementation Plan

Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) submitted its Initial Implementation Plan Template to the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and the Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB).  The plan consists of CCPS' responses to 164 question prompts covering the five pillars of the Blueprint. Within each pillar, CCPS has outlined how it will meet the requirements put forth by MSDE in accordance with the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future.

CCPS Initial Implementation Plan Template

Blueprint IIP Template image

For more information about the Blueprint for Maryland's Future, please contact:

Christina Miller
Coordinator of District Innovation
(301) 934-7300

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