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Forms Database

There are several ways to find a form.

  • Scroll through the Forms List and click the Load More button at the end of the list until the form is found.
  • Use the SEARCH filter by entering a keyword word then clicking on the SEARCH button.  If more then 5 forms are found, click the Load More button at the end of the list to view 5 more forms until all the forms are displayed.
    • To clear a search, either delete the entered text in the Keyword Search field or click on the - icon in the Keyword Search field, then click the SEARCH button.
  • Use the VIEW FORMS BY CATEGORY filter.  Select a category and view the forms listed. If more then 5 forms are found, click the Load More button at the end of the list until all forms are displayed.   To clear the VIEW FORMS BY CATEGORY filter, click the ALL category.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  The filters work together.  The SEARCH filter is applied to the VIEW FORMS BY  CATEGORY filter selected.  For example, to do a SEARCH on all the forms, ALL must be the category selected.

Forms List

  • Professional Learning
Book Study
Book Study Syllabus and Application for CPD Credit

Use this form to submit a request to offer 1 CPD credit for a book study.

Book Study Syllabus

Book Study Sample Class List

All CPD credit classes must have a class list showing all participants whether they completed the course or not. Like a gradebook, columns show attendance for the dates of participant and completion of any required assignments. This is turned in to the Professional Learning office with the signed CPD forms. It is kept on file to answer questions about why people did or did not earn credit for the class. Instructors who use the online registration system can print the "Initial In Sign In Sheet" from the system and use that instead. That version of the sign-in sheet makes a column for each meeting date where participants can initial to sign in. Instructors who take their own registrations use this form to track all participants.

Book Study Class List Sample