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United Way Partnership

Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) is again partnering this school year with the United Way of Southern Maryland.

Post COVID-19 Impact

CCPS has a long-standing history as a United Way partner. Prior to the pandemic, school system employees supported the annual United Way giving campaigns. As recent as 2010, CCPS staff donated almost $100,000 for the campaign year.

This year’s campaign between CCPS and United Way of Southern Maryland kicked off last week with an introduction of the program to school principals. Between now and Dec. 15, CCPS staff can opt to donate through a one-time pledge or payroll deduction. The United Way of Southern Maryland supports more than 30 local human service agencies in Calvert, Charles and St. Mary’s counties. These agencies directly support families, adults and children, many of whom are connected to CCPS through a student.

Make a difference in the lives of CCPS students and families

Image young students having Snack Saks for what may be their only meal after school.

The United Way Campaign provides an opportunity for CCPS employees to give back to the community and make a difference in the lives of people in need. One of the programs United Way donations support is the Snack Sak program. Through the program, children receive backpacks of food and additional items for themselves and their families. The Snack Sak program directly supports many CCPS students and families. 

How to donate

CCPS staff can make a one-time donation or pledge through CCPS payroll deduction. One-time donations can be made online at Staff can also use the online form to set up payroll deductions. The CCPS donation campaign runs through Dec. 15. Payroll deduction through United Way will start in January with the Jan. 5, 2024, paycheck.

Educational Disparities

Community Champion

Each school and center will also have a designated “Community Champion” to oversee the program in their respective buildings Staff can check with their principal/supervisor for the name of the designee in their building, as this person will have copies of donation forms and more information about United Way.

Copies of the pledge form can be requested through either the community champion at schools/centers or through Sylvia Royster at  The pledge form can also be downloaded and printed by clicking on the link below.

United Way Pledge Form

All completed pledge forms should be sent to Kelli Whalen, technical assistant in the CCPS Office of Accountability, at the Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building. Whalen is helping to support the campaign at the systemwide level. She also has pledge forms available upon request by email at Please do not send any cash donations through the CCPS pony system. Staff are not responsible for any such donations.

For more information

Sylvia Royster, director of community engagement and equity, is overseeing the program for CCPS. Throughout the campaign, Royster will provide support to campaign designees, share resource materials and ensure engaged participation across CCPS facilities.  If you have questions, please contact Sylvia Royster at