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Telemental Health Services

Online therapy for every student

Did you know your child's school offers all students access to Hazel Health's online therapy program? Children in kindergarten through 12th grade are matched with a licensed therapist who specializes in supporting the mental health of young children and teens. Free online therapy for all students with or without insurance is available through Hazel Health.

Services are available at school during school hours, and at home Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. local time. Students in Grade 3 through 12 can visit with a therapist virtually during in-home or in-school visits, while kindergarten, first and second grade students can meet with a therapist during virtual in-home visits.

Request a therapy appointment for your child by clicking the link below, or by calling Hazel Health at 1-800-764-2935.

Learn more and sign up for the program


Expert Support

1-on-1 counseling from a professional therapist.


Proven to Work

90% of students improve after 6 therapy sessions.


Fast and Easy

No long waiting lists.  No doctor referral needed.

Virtual sessions with licensed therapist

  1. Sign up
    Give permission for your child or teen to see a Hazel therapist.
  2. Therapy referral
    Either you or a school staff member refers your child to therapy by contacting Hazel.
  3. First therapy session
    Hazel matches your child with a therapist and schedules an appointment.
  4. Weekly therapy sessions
    Over video, the therapist helps your child cope with what they're feeling.
  5. Therapy completion
    Your child has achieved their therapy goals and is discharged from the therapy program.

Weekly sessions

During weekly therapy sessions, Hazel Health therapists help students understand and cope with what they are feeling.

  • Anxiety
  • Grief/loss
  • Change
  • Bullying
  • Depression
  • Self-esteem
  • Academic stress
  • And more


Program Information Flyer

Click on the image to view/download the flyer


CharlesCountyHazelFlyerEnglish (PDF)


CharlesCountyHazelFlyerSpanish (PDF)

Hazel Health Consent Form

Click on the image to view/download the flyer


CCPSHazelConsent_V11_MH_English1 (PDF)


CCPSHazelConsent_V11_MH_Spanish1 (PDF)