Career and Technical Education
What is Career and Technical Education (CTE)?
- Offers a unique opportunity to engage high school students in a variety of subjects, incorporating academic, creative and technical skills.
- Explore career paths while in high school.
- All high schools in Charles County have Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs.
- 4 or 5 course sequence that is a graduation pathway.
- Able to earn college credits or industry certifications.
- Direct connection to further education or the workforce.
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CTE Pathways
Art, Media and Communication |
Business Management and Finance |
Information Technology |
Consumer Services, Hospitality and Tourism |
Health and Biosciences |
Human Resources Services |
Construction and Development |
Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology |
Transportation Technologies |
Career Research and Development |
Environmental, Agricultural and Natural Resources |
Apprenticeship Maryland |
Director of Career and Technical Education: Rebecca Brandt,
Coordinator for STEM Education: Simone Young,
Career and Technical Education Instructional Specialist: Kevin Reisinger,
Career and Technical Education Content Specialist: Sandy Rooney,
Career Specialist: Christina Jones,
Secretary to the Director of CTE: Lisa Tilley,