Food & Nutrition Services
Our Staff |
Supervisor of Food and Nutrition Services 301-392-5573 |
Supervisor of Food and Nutrition Services 301-392-5572 |
The Department of Food and Nutrition Services is respected as an advocate for student nutrition by setting a positive example in the meal programs and operating as a vital resource on issues pertaining to student nutrition.
Department of Food and Nutrition Services operates 38 kitchens within the school system. The program is staffed with people who take pride in meeting the nutritional needs of students and staff. Growing children need a strong nutritional foundation to succeed in the classroom and in their other endeavors. The staff works hard to fulfill that need and maintain a program that presents well prepared and presented nutritious meal choices. The Department of Food and Nutrition supports the quality education and learning environment of students in the Charles County Public School System by providing programs that operate within the guidelines of the United States Department of Agriculture National School Lunch Program and the Maryland State Department of Education.
No local tax dollars from Charles County are provided to the Food and Nutrition Budget. The program is operated to break even with funds provided by student sales and state/federal reimbursement through the operation of programs such as National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, After School Snack Program, and Summer Food Service Program.
Meals on the Move
Main Functions of Food & Nutrition
- Operate the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) including breakfast, lunch, At Risk Supper Programs and After School Snack Program in compliance with state and federal regulations
- Determine meal benefit eligibility (Free and Reduced Meals) of students and maintain all applicable records
- Develop menus designed to meet the nutritional requirements of NSLP programs required by the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010
- Assist in the development and implementation of the District Wellness Policy
- Coordinate After School Snack Programs to support educational activities
- Operate the Maryland Meals for Achievement Program in twelve elementary and two secondary schools
- Hosted Culinary Boot Camps two of the last three years to provide summer training for cooks and managers