CCPS Transportation: Moving the Future
Bus Status Updates
To see all the bus status updates, hover over or touch the table below and use the scroll bar to the right of the Action Taken column to scroll through the list. Click on the column headers to sort the list and use the School menu to filter by school.
WheresTheBus App is available to CCPS parents and students for the 2024-2025 school year!
School Locator for the 2024-2025 School Year
Need to find bus information?
Search using a Charles County address:
Are you interested in becoming a school bus driver or attendant in Charles County
View the Code of Student Conduct for information about Transportation rules and procedures (see pages 15-17).
An essential element of the education process is the safe and efficient transportation of students as they travel between home and school. The success of this undertaking relies on the collective responsibility and efforts of drivers, students, families, schools, bus contractors, and CCPS Transportation. Together, we are moving the future of Charles County.
We operate a tiered transportation system, which means buses may provide service for 2, 3, or even 4 different schools each school day.