School Locator
School Locator for the 2024-25 School Year
The information provided concerning a school's attendance zone should be used for information purposes only. Charles County Public Schools reserves the right to assign a student to a different school than the one listed here as the zoned school. For more information about school assignments, please contact Student Services at 301-934-7326.
Charles County Public Schools uses a school bus routing system through VEO Transportation. School Locator allows the public to enter a Charles County address to see school attendance zones. The system also shows if an address is eligible for school bus transportation or falls within a walk zone. The locator features interactive school zone maps; users can search the maps to view an entire school zone area. The new base map is the same utilized by Charles County Emergency Services and includes new neighborhood developments.
Moratorium in place for Arthur Middleton Elementary School
The moratorium will be in place Jan. 2, 2025, through the end of the 2024-2025 school year for Block 2643 in the Glenn Eagles South neighborhood, and Block 2711 in the Highlands neighborhood. Both neighborhoods are located off St. Charles Parkway in White Plains and are experiencing rapid growth. Any student moving to these blocks on or after Jan. 2, 2025, will be registered to attend Dr. Gustavus Brown Elementary School for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year.
Effective with the opening of Margaret Jamieson Thornton Elementary School in August 2025, students living in these blocks will attend the new school including those that currently attend Middleton. Any new student who registers for CCPS after Jan. 2, 2025, through the end of the current school year will attend Dr. Brown and then begin at Thornton in August 2025.
Click here to view a map of Block 2643
North Point High School Eligibility
If students live within the North Point High School zone, the locator will display North Point High as the only eligible high school and display a zoning map that shows just the North Point zone. If an address is anywhere in the county outside of the North Point zone, it will display two high schools: one that is the zoned school and North Point based on acceptance in a CTE program. When clicked, the North Point High School CTE eligibility map for those students will show the entire county except for the actual NPHS zone.
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If an address is not found in the system, submit a Bus Stop Concern help ticket to the CCPS Transportation Department.