Children who come to school regularly* develop fundamental reading and math skills while developing a habit of good attendance that will carry them into college and careers.
Research shows that children who were chronically absent in kindergarten and first grade were far less likely to read proficiently at the end of third grade. By sixth grade, chronic absence becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school. (Source: Baltimore Education Research Consortium, February 2011).
*CCPS understands that not all children are able to attend school regularly due to medical reasons and other issues.
How Families Can Help
Parents, guardians and families can make school attendance a priority for children.
Check Your Child's Attendance
Parents can monitor several aspects of their child’s education, including attendance, by using ParentVue, the student information system. For additional support with accessing and using ParentVue, visit the ParentVue Account Overview webpageParentVue Account Overview.
Keep Your Child Engaged in Learning
Attendance Works, a project that researches chronic absenteeism, offers several resources for families including tips and advice for children in prekindergarten through high school.
Communicate with Your Child's School
Report future absences. If parents know that their child will be out of school in the future due to a community engagement activity (middle and high school) or cultural observance, they can contact the school to report the absence and date.
For extended absences due to an educational trip or unique life experience, parents can submit a Parent Request Excused Absence (Code 13*) application to the school’s attendance secretary, no later than two (2) weeks prior to the student’s first date of absence.
*Code 13 — Other emergency or set of circumstances which, in the judgement of the Superintendent or designee, constitutes a good and sufficient cause for absence from school for up to five school days per school year, including an educational trip or unique life experience. A vacation is not considered an educational trip or a unique life experience Make-up work will be allowed for approved absences and must be returned to the school three days from the date of return.
CODE 13 Parent Request for Excused Absence - English
CODE 13 Parent Request for Excused Absence - Spanish
Visit the Student Services Attendance webpage to learn more about the CCPS attendance policy.
Facts about School Attendance
- Regular school attendance in elementary school improves the chances that a child will read on grade level.
- Chronic absenteeism (missing 18 or more school days per year) is a primary cause of lower academic achievement even when the absences are "excused" or understandable.
- Students who attend 90% or more of the school year are more likely to graduate from high school on time.
Attendance Policies
All students in Maryland who are ages five through 18 are required to attend school regularly. Schools are required by law to be open for at least 180 days school days, and a minimum of 1,080 school hours during a 10-month period in each school year. Schools must be open for a minimum of three hours during each school day. CCPS must record student attendance every day school is in session.
Exceptions can be made for students who are in the Chronic Health Impaired Program (CHIP), on home and hospital teaching, or who absences exceed 20 days but are excused by a doctor’s statement.
Attendance Resources
Learn more about how regular school attendance benefits children.
Every day counts Poster
English Version
Spanish Version
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